The BiałowieŻa Forest was ment to be in Belarus?

This is what Stalin wished in 1944. But when setting the borders, he was opposed – probably for the only time in his life – by Bierut and Osóbka-Morawski.

Osóbka-Morawski recalls it in his diaries:

In the case of the Białowieża Forest, the problem of nationality does not exist, because European bison and other animals do not have national affiliation. The Białowieża Forest is our national park, a historical place of partisan fights in the uprisings for Poland’s independence against the Tsar, and it is of great psychological importance for Poland.
In addition, Poland has forests decimated by the Germans, and the Forest is also our raw material basin for Hajnówka. That is why we strongly appeal for the Białowieża Forest to stay with Poland. Stalin did not want to hear any further discussion on this subject and declared: “nada kończyt’ dieło.”

Osóbka-Morawski allegedly threatened to resign from the position of PKWN chairman if the Forest would not be ours. After an hour, Molotov called with information that Comrade Stalin agreed.

COMMENT: Of course, you have to treat the diaries and Osóbka’s “heroic” attitude with distance. It is not known how much self-promotion this is.

Sources: Witold Szabłowski – Reporter’s Notebook and E. Osóbka-Morawski, “Political Journal 1943-1948”, Gdańsk 1981

Read in polish.

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